Once You Read This You Will Never Throw Away This Part Of The Banana
Bananas are extremely healthy fruits, as they are high in important nutrients and provide amazing healthy properties. However, not all are aware of the numerous benefits of their peels, so after you read this article, you will never toss them into the bin. The peels of both, green and yellow bananas, are beneficial. For instance, ripe bananas are more useful in the case of cancer, as they have potent cancer-fighting properties and they help the body produce more white blood cells. On the other hand, the green peels are higher in probiotics, which boosts the digestive system, so are therefore better if you want to lose weight. They are believed to raise the levels of serotonin and dopamine. The banana peels should be cooked or added to your smoothies in order to enrich their taste. You can mix them with coconut milk , cinnamon, ice, or everything you prefer. Green bananas are better for cooking, and you can add them to curries, chu...